Service Introduction
In October 2017, the government announced the establishment of the "Special Needs Trust," with the Director of Social Welfare as the trustee, to provide trust services to parents/relatives of individuals with special needs to manage their assets after their passing. Hong Chi Association is one of the organizations providing special needs trust services, assisting parents/relatives (settlor) in establishing care plans for their children/loved ones (beneficiaries) with special needs during their lifetime. After the settlor's passing, the Association will provide long- term care and necessary support to the beneficiaries in accordance with the established care plans.
Person with intellectual disability (including Down’s syndrome), mental disorder or autism
Service Content
To assist the settlor to draft a care plan for the beneficiary, which included:
- Basic needs
- Professional support needs
- Education needs
- Social and recreational needs
- Medical and dental needs
- Accommodation and related expenses
- Care-giving and other needs
Settlement of Trust Account by the Settlor
To choose HCA as institutional carer
- Assisting parents/relatives (settlor) in establishing care plans for their children/loved ones (beneficiaries) with special needs
- Yearly evaluation and recommending adjustments to the care plan when necessary
- Voluntarily participating in fee-based or free activities provided by the caregiver organization to allow beneficiaries to experience the services and build relationships
- Charging an annual case management fee
Initiation of Trust Account after the Settlor's Passing
- Regular receipt of funds disbursed by the Social Welfare Department (trustee)
- Implementation of the care plan
- Cooperating with the trustee's annual review and recommending adjustments to the plan when necessary
- Charging an annual case management fee, service fees for other services required by the beneficiaries, and administrative fees
- Providing an account of the use of funds to the trustee
Service Fees
This service is non-government subsidized and is charged on a user-pay basis.
- Annual case management fee
- General companion service (hourly rate) plus 10% administrative fee
- Professional case service (hourly rate) plus 10% administrative fee
- *Other medical services/examinations or activities
*Referral to related services/activities free of charge, but service/activity charges apply
All the above fees are adjusted annually based on market conditions, inflation, and other economic factors. For details, please contact our staff.
Inquiries and Applications
If you are interested in understanding the detailed content of this service, please feel free to contact us.
Address: Pinehill Village Administration Office, Chung Nga Road, Nam Hang Po, Tai Po, New Territories
Telephone: 2689 1105 / 3406 3332 (direct line)
Fax: 2661 4620 / 3406 3322
Office Hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM